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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Re-elect Nobody

My favorite bumper sticker from this election said "Re-elect Nobody".  That's pretty much how I feel about it.  I went this morning and did my duty as an American citizen to arrest this country's fatal spiraling nose dive to the left.  I hope the message is abundantly clear to all of our elected officials that we are sick of the same old shit.  My brother described it pretty well.  He explained Obama's election as a reaction to us all being pissed off at George Bush and his idiot cronies running the country into the ground, totally screwing up two wars, letting Rumsfeld destroy relationships with our long standing allies in "Old Europe", etc, etc, combined with Mr. No Personality Except for Grumpy Old Guy McCain - what else were we going to do except lurch toward the charismatic guy who talked a good game.  We came out looking progressive and thoughtful.  He turned out to be a friggin' commie intent to ram his agenda home in spite of wide spread outrage.  I guess he thinks he knows best.  We didn't elect him to know best, we elected him to do what we tell him to do.  Got it?  I hope so.

Don't get me wrong.  I voted for the grumpy guy.

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