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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Coming along well.

We have a garden! So far we have even harvested leaves from the spinach and lettuce for our salads and made a Sunday brunch of spinach and Swiss cheese omelets. Our own eggs and our own spinach. I have to say, it tasted great! The potato plants are going wild. I will soon cover them with a new tire and some more compost, leaving only a few inches exposed above the soil, to encourage them to grow more tubers in the compost. I have read that a 4 tire stack of potatoes grown in this fashion will yield far more potatoes than we can consume in a season, so plenty for storage. The beets are coming up slowly. The onions are doing very well. The broccoli plants are soon to produce and my intent is to cut the early heads off to encourage the heads to split and grow even more heads. I planted some carrots in among the tomatoes and they have real carrot leaves now. Our Silver Queen sweet, white corn is doing quit well also. Silver Queen is a hybrid that is supposed to be the best tasting sweet corn variety. We shall see.

Corn. Now that leads me to another topic. I don't claim to be an expert or even have a complete understanding of the issue of genetically modified vegetables, but it seems to me that Monsanto and the big corn producers are taking it on the chin for producing varieties of corn that require less water, fertilizer and pesticide. With the population of planet Earth growing ever steadily and the demand for food along with it, doesn't it make sense to modify food product to feed more people? Being a beekeeper I understand the concerns about genetically modified plants producing genetically modified pollen, etc. I do not want my bees effected by pollen that could hurt them. So here is my question: What are you doing about it? Me? I'm growing my own food, at least some of it, to reduce demand on global food resources. I hope to make a small dent in that demand by doing so. It may seem inconsequential on the global scale, but it also seems like the responsible thing to do. This appears to be a topic surrounded by a lot of hype and emotion. Where is the science?

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